
Happy New Year!
I was so excited this morning when I stepped on the scale to find I had lost 3.6 pounds...and it only took me...

1 year... I know you are so impressed but for me this feels incredible...

In 2013 I gained 26.6 pounds from January to January...In 2012 I gained 21.6...In 2011 I gained 7 pounds...In 2010 I gained 29.8 pounds.... I can go on but I think you get the picture...

This is my first overall loss in years... This is huge for me... Too me it means I am heading in the right direction...

I have had a rough year health wise... I started out 2014 in the ER, many, many, many migraines, had an accident at work and found out I have arthritis in my knees... Then I had a car accident at the beginning of November and took my first ambulance ride... And to round out the year, I have been battling the aftermath of acute bronchitis since Thanksgiving...

Now we have a new year, a fresh start... I have made and broken many resolutions in the past so I will refrain for making such boastful statements about what I plan to accomplish with the new year, what habits I will break and the resolutions I will make...

All I want for myself this year, is to continue following the path of healing I am on... Not just physically but mentally and emotionally... I ask God to help me strengthen my faith, my self-esteem and to continue to be an encourager to others...

On a side note: My personal goal is to share many wonderful and inspiring stories about my life and the lives of those around me... As always, I won't name names...

Happy New Year...



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