Day 26 of 365

What an interesting day. I spent the day with my best friend doing lots of normal stuff, like taking my car to the shop, breakfast, pickup my contacts, watched TV, then he went to lunch for a friends Birthday from work and I worked some more on my closet, then my car was ready so he took me to pick it up, dropped his car off at home, went to get him a haircut, went to the library for mom, went back to car place because check engine light is back on after driving 4 miles from home, went to pet store and bought nothing, went to $1 store and bought nothing, went to Manny's Chophouse and waited an hour for an amazing totally worth every minute steak and ribs meal.

And what did I learn today? I still have a ways to go before I truly like myself...but I have a great mom and best friend that are there for me through no matter what life throws at me. Its those quite moments in between the chaos of the days that we learn who we are and we learn who those who care about us most are.

Love, peace and stay away from things fried in grease...



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