Day 15 of 365

Love and Inspiration ~ If we open our hearts and ask for Him to guide us, HE will lead us where HE wants us... even when you do not feel worthy, keep in mind Gods does the most wonderful things with the most humble ~

I found this fantastic quote on Facebook posted by a friend. 

I had a situation with a friend tonight and I thought of this quote as I was driving home. When my friend called I didn't hesitate to jump to their aid, even though I am sick with a sinus infection, it didn't matter. I knew they needed me and that's all that mattered. I'm not trying to pat myself on the back but explain how it is with God. When we call out to Him, He doesn't ask you a hundred questions first or tell you he is to busy. 

I truly believe God puts us places to be a help or support  to others, we just don't always realize it. But like the quote says If we open our hearts He will use us. I know many people that feel like they are unneeded or unworthy but what they don't realize is their simple actions speak volumes to others. 

This one sweet lady I know walks in her neighborhood each day and says hello to everyone she meets along the way and sometimes stops and chats. She told me she feels like she doesn't matter that she isn't noticed when she goes to church and such, but then I reminded her about the people along her daily walking path. I told her, you may see it as just a friendly hello, but they see the light shinning from within you and they miss you when you aren't there. They may not be life long friends but you have made an impact on their lives. 

Sometimes it's the small things we do for others that speaks volumes. 

So, I hope this makes sense being that I am medicated and sleepy from the meds. :)

So.. love, peace and stay away from things fried in grease.



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