Day 272 of 365

What an incredible day of imagination and magic... Mom, BFF and I went to Mickey's Not So Scary this evening and had such a fun time. BFF created his own costume and went as a toy soldier. It was incredible. When he came out to the car he looked like he had just stepped out onto the Disney parade route on Christmas. I know he acts like he knows he is talented but sometimes I don't think he truly believes it for himself.

Mom was super cute in her Halloween shirt, vest, socks and bat headband. This year we spiked out her hair and sprayed it orange!!!! We also pimped out her scooter with a Witch Parking only sign. When we got off the Dumbo ride a little girl was reading the sign to Mom and told her how funny it was.

For my costume I was at a loss... I didn't have a clue in the world what I would go as and suddenly true life rang true in my costume. BFF and I went to Goodwill today and I found a black t-shirt for just 75 cents. So when I got home after getting Mom's scooter ready, I began sewing all of my beanie baby cats to the shirt, with Mom's help. Once that was complete I had one cat left which I sewed onto my jeans like it was climbing my leg. I topped off the outfit with some $1 car ears and a quick cat like makeup job.

Even though BFF got the majority of the comments, I received my fair share. The one I heard the most was, you look like my house, which is scary because I had 7 cats sewn onto me, which is how many we have living with us currently. I had one lady tell me they have 16 cats in their home. It can be kinda stinky in our house sometimes with the 4 liter boxes but can you imagine what it's like to have enough liter boxes for 16? That truly is Scary!!!!!!

One of my most favorite moments of the evening is when one of the cowboys in the parade stopped and told BFF how great his costume was and gave him a high 5.

Love, peace and Happy Halloween ;) early...


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