Day 255 of 365

I am learning each day something new about me and my body.

I know that if I drink enough water each day I won't become dehydrated...
I know that if I eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, I won't over do it the rest of the day by overeating...
I know if I get enough sleep at night I won't be tired...
I know that if they are handing out FREE Mickey Premium Bars in the Cast Service Center, I can say no thank you and keep walking by...

Yes, it is true...I turned down ice cream today. Not just any ice cream either, FREE ice cream. But it gets better than that. One of the cast members in the location I was training at today was celebrating her 30th Anniversary with Disney and they had cake. Notice I said They and not we. They had cake and I gave my congratulations to the cast member. 

I decided Sunday morning to go without cakes, cookies, candy, ice cream, soda or any items with added sugar for the next month. I am going to monitor how I am feeling and I am monitoring my weight. I am tired of looking in the mirror and thinking, holy crap how did that happen? Even though I know full well it didn't happen over night. Sometimes it is just one simple change that can get us motivated on the right track...

So who is with me?

Love, peace and say no to sweets!


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