Day 257 of 365

Today we celebrate the life of my Dad. Fourteen years ago he won the battle with cancer and received the ultimate healing when he entered into God's presence. He no longer hurt from the chemo, his mind was cleared from the confusion of the strokes he suffered from due to the cancer, and he could dance in front of the Father without limping, which was caused by the Polio that ravaged his body as a young child.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of my Dad. I remember when my Dad would wait for me at the team pickup at Six Flags when I would close. He would be listening to Rush Limbaugh or a Cards game on KMOX. He would tell me, "Get in Zelda." That was his nick name for me.  Short for Grizelda. He might take me for a double cheeseburger at Mickey D's if I was hungry and he would make sure to bring a plain one home from Mom.

One night when I was very young, I remember Dad coming home from a late night with his friends, probably bowling, and he woke us all up and he made us breakfast. Mom would have to fly out of town every once in awhile and I remember on instance in particular where Dad made us Corn Hotdish for dinner, one of my favorites still, and then I went with him to the Red Bird Bowling Alley to wait for Mom while he bowled. The only thing I really remember happening is that is I am sitting on the floor of the bowling alley Indian style by a rack of bowling balls next to the bar, when I leaned forward and set the corn Hotdish free. I have never seen my Dad move so fast in my whole life. He ran over, picked me up and ran me into of all places the Men's room so I could continue unloading my tiny tummy. The next thing I remember is the nice waitress that new me by name taking me into the women's bathroom to clean me up and sitting me on the sink and giving me 7-up to calm my tummy. When my Mom arrived to pick me up fresh from her trip she brought me a Long Horned Cattle stuffed animal.

My Dad was my hero.

My Dad didn't verbalize the I love you's very much during his life, but there was never a doubt that he did. We miss you very much Dad,but we are happy to know you are free of pain and we are so glad we will see you again when we meet in Heaven. I love you.



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