Day 252 of 365

I saw an amazing episode of Chopped tonight. For those of you that do not know the premise of the show, they bring in 4 chefs to compete against each other in 3 rounds of cooking. In each round they are given 3-4 mystery ingredients and then they have to prepare a dish. The rounds consist of appetizer, entree and than dessert. Well, this particular episode was returning chefs that had been ousted or CHOPPED from the show before. In the second round, as one of the chefs were running to drain their potatoes that had been cooking on the stove, she slipped and fell spilling the boiling water on her legs. Where most people would have laid there in agony, she jumped up and continued cooking; completed her entree and made it into the final round, despite suffering from 2nd degree burns. (EMT's checked her out) She explained she could not give up because she didn't want to let her Nana down.

Also in this competition was a young man professing his new found faith in God and how he just felt so blessed to be competing again. In excerpts throughout the episode he spoke about the grace of God that had  set him free. It amazed me at how open he was and that the network played it. 

It just so happens the two made it into the finale round, desserts. I believe the ingredients to be used were goose eggs and cough drops for sure, I can't remember what the other ones were, but in the time allowed they both created some amazing looking dishes. When presenting their dishes the young man again shared his faith with the judges and how blessed he was to be there. The older woman mentioned she was in this competition again so that she could go and visit her Nana in the old country. Once the two presented their desserts to the judges they showed the two speaking in the kitchen while judges did their thing. The sweet older lady told the young man she really believed that he would be the ultimate winner. With total humility he told her he believed she would. At the final Chopping the older woman was indeed chopped, however, what happened next was unbelievable. 

The young man interrupted the host and said that, while he was very happy to win he never truly  thought he would so he was not expecting to win the $10,000 prize. So, he told them that he wanted to pay for the other chefs ticket to go visit her Nana. The only thing that was spoken was the thank you from the other Chef as she went over to him and hugged him. I was amazed. I mean how many of us if given the opportunity would do the same thing? I am sure that young man has bills to pay and has a wish list like the rest of us, but he did the unthinkable and gave away his prize. 

This reminds me that I need to be more free with sharing my faith. Sometimes we hold onto it so tightly even though we have been commanded to go out and share it. We do it out of fear of rejection or persecution. When in reality, the only thing we should honestly fear is an eternity without Christ.

Love, peace and don't get chopped...


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