Day 258 of 365

Such frustration, I come home after a great dinner with friends to find that my oldest cat has once again used MY bed as her liter box and so now I am sleeping on the couch. I think we have figured the problem, so I am going to the pet store tomorrow and getting a third liter box.

Today kicked off the 2012 Food and Wine Training and I had my first Safety class of the Festival! The first class is always the rough one and today that was so true. Apart from the cast at the one table in the back, the rest were at best "lack luster" in their response. But you know what, it is there choice to glean something from the class or not. The information I am presenting to them is important not only to keep us safe at work but also at home.  I can only do so much and the rest is up to them. I just know the rest of the week is going to be even better.

Love, peace and kitty liter....

Sorry so short, but gotta finish writing my Legacy nominations before midnight!


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