Day 260 of 365

It has been really interesting watching Sammi over the past few months. When she started coming to our porch to eat she was very skid-dish; she bolt at the slightest sound.  But slowly she began getting used to seeing us and hearing our voices until that fateful day when Mom was sitting on the car port and Sammi came over to her looking for a loving pat.

Not soon after she began coming to the door where our younger cat Gabriel would lay. They would sniff each other through the screen and even rub into it to try and love on each other. (No, Gabe is not the babies daddy) That is when we began to notice that Sammi was getting a belly. I quickly googled information on pregnancy in cats and learned that normal pregnancies are about 8 weeks. Mom and I then agreed that when Sammi got close we would bring her in to have the babies.

Not long after that decision I came home to a third cat in the house. Mom explained that Sammi was in for a "play date." So this became the norm. She would come in for a little bit, some times 10 minutes some times an hour but she would always leave before it got too late. Than one night, she stayed over. From that night on she would go out in the morning for a romp and then return later on for the day and night again.

On August 31st I called my Mom to let her know I was on my way home from a Cast Celebration at Epcot when she informed me that Sammi had begun nesting. When we checked on line it said that this would normally last about 12 hours before the babies would make their appearance and so we ran to do some errands. When Mom and I parted, her for home and me for the pharmacy all I knew is that I wanted to get everything so I could get home and be there for the birth. Not ten minutes had past since I left my Mom when my phone rang. Two of the kitten were born and a third was making an entrance. Oh my goodness!!!! I told her to keep me updated and then continued to drive. Within another 5 minutes she was calling again. There are 4! No 5! I got to the pharmacy and picked up my prescriptions and headed toward home, when it was Mom calling yet again. We have 6, four white and two black. They were finally here.

Just two days later, Sunday, we lost one of the white ones. We named them Lil'Bit and buried him in the garden by the angel statue. The following Saturday, just one day after their one week birthday we woke up to find that the sweet little black one with the white tummy like his mommy had also gone to heaven. We named him Rascal and then he joined his sibling in the garden with the angel.

The kittens are now 17 days old and getting bigger by the day. They love their Mommy very much and they have the sweetest meows.

My story of Sammi reminds me of how we treat people some times. Many times we will see some one that may not look right or dress right or  or maybe you think they have an attitude problem and you make a snap judgement about them without taking the time to get to know them. I know she is a cat but if she hadn't stopped being afraid and stepped out of her comfort zone she may not being sleeping with her kittens in a safe and warm place right now. Because she did she is getting fed and taken care of. Think about it...

Love, peace and be open...


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