Day 237 of 365

Have you ever woken up in the morning and just felt sad? I know that there is something going on down deep but it just doesn't want to be known or named and thus I am feeling blue...

I am sure there are people that are new to reading my blog and probably think, man this girl is all over the place, one day happy the next day sad but that's what you get when you meet me except most people looking at me wouldn't see the sadness. I know some people that have no poker face and you can read every emotion they are feeling, their face gives them away every time. Not me...

It's not like I am a puddle of tears right now, so I don't want any well meaning family members calling...I am just feeling like something or someone is missing right now. Maybe I will find it in my dreams...

love, peace and finding happiness

What I am listening to:
Home by Philip Phillips

Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you’re not alone
Cause i’m going to make this place your home
Settle down, it’ll all be clear
Don’t pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you’re not alone
Cause i’m going to make this place your home
Settle down, it’ll all be clear
Don’t pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found


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