Day 230 of 365

Mom and I went on a 1 tank road trip today to Lake Wales. It's a smallish town about an hour away, that is home to Florida Natural Orange Juice and Boc Tower and Gardens.

Since the OJ visitor center was closed for the summer, we explored the Historic District and then spent a few hours at Boc Tower. The grounds are kept pristine and nature is alive all around you. They must be extremely fond of the squirrel population because there are feeders for them everywhere.

The quietness of it all is so relaxing, it's an escape from the noise of our daily lives. Every thirty minutes the Tower rings forth with beautiful music. The tower is a carillon consisting of 60 bells. Concerts are given at 1pm and 3pm daily. It is so beautiful to hear as you are walking through the many lush gardens. This is a place I want to return to again and again. With the changing of the seasons, the gardens will change and I have heard Christmas is an amazing time to go.

The quote, "Make you the world a bit better or more beautiful because you have lived in it," was said by Edward Bok's Grandmother, and it really hit close to my heart. Each of us can take something different from it, but what I thought of for me was that I need to live my life to the fullest. To look ahead and not look back, to help others see the beauty in themselves as well, like I am finding the beauty in me.

Love, peace and find your beauty within...


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