Day 235 of 365
It was a very quick and early start to the day, after closing last night I was back in bright and early with a tinge of headache due my lack of sleep. Before I knew it we were three hours into the shift and heading to lunch with a migraine brewing on the horizon. I took what pills were available and consumed caffeine but to no avail the headache would not subside. Thankfully one of my team members was available to take over and I had to leave my trainees in her capable hands. It makes me sad when this happens that I don't get to complete my training. However, before I left I was able to give each of them a fanatic card. They both have learned so much in the past 24 hours and I love seeing the magic come alive in the new cast. I know they will both be stellar cast members, along with the others I have trained in the past week.
Believe it or not, before leaving today I was thinking how much easier my life would be if I were, say a character attendant. I would be paid more and I would get to work with the Disney Characters first hand and watch them make magic with our guests. But tonight it hit me, yes I would get to make some magic but the majority of magic I would see happening would be made by someone else, and that is the one thing I love about my job more than anything else, is seeing the look on the Guests' faces when we give them a high four with the Mickey mitt or handing out a bunch of Mickey stickers to a 1st time visitor or having a child receive a birthday call from Goofy and have them say thank you Goofy before handing the phone back. That's the magic I get to see everyday and it's magic I made.
So, once again I have to remind myself to not give up on my dreams because sometimes the road to them are tough.
Love, peace and don't give up...

So, once again I have to remind myself to not give up on my dreams because sometimes the road to them are tough.
Love, peace and don't give up...
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