Day 58 of 365

I write this for me so I guess I need to speak my mind. I am drowning... I feel like I am out of breath, exhausted. I love my job but I don't feel challenged. I don't feel like I am learning anything new. I know I can't go backwards, correction I refuse to go backwards, but going forward is a waiting game. I need to find something to be passionate about again. My best friend says I am fried... sometimes I wonder if the happy pills are doing their job anymore or maybe this is how I am meant to feel.

I know I can't be the only person that feels this way, it's just I feel like I am fighting a losing battle right now. If I go back and read the past 57 days I know they are so up and down and I know this past year has been an emotional roller coaster in it self, but I just don't know...

Usually you come back from vacation refreshed and ready to go again, but I just am not feeling that way.



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