Day 37 of 365

So very often I have people ask me where I get my energy. The truth is, the energy I have at work comes from my love of my job. I work for a company that allows me to do things I couldn't do at any other job I have ever had, and that is to make peoples dreams come true. To help them escape reality if even for a few hours and to become a kid again. How amazing is that? 

As my trainees, one of my other fellow trainers and I were waving goodbye to our departing guests tonight, one of the trainees turned to me and said, "can I keep you next to me for the rest of my program?" He was having so much fun he didn't want it to end. But that is how my job is everyday. I make sure that I have fun no matter what I am doing. When you stop having fun. it becomes work and then it just gets to be like any other job. 

If you love what you do then you will never work a day in your life. If you don't love what you are doing. find something else to do that you love. 

Love, peace and stay away from things fried in grease.


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