Every Bite, Every Morsel - Day 5 #JoinMyJourney

Some days you wake up only to want to roll over and go back to bed... And today was one of those weeks... But I have a job to go to and I knew I had people relying on me to be there and I am out of vacation pay so, High Ho, High Ho it's off to work i went... 

Still with baby steps I traveled, tripping and stumbling over my breakfast choices, but thankfully the chili I brought for lunch was a great rescue and the applesauce I keep in my desk was a nice chaser for it as well, but the naughty bonus backstep was the bag of mini oreos I also found down by the appelsauce... But after the icky feelings I was having, I figured I probably "needed" them to help me feel better...

Well, I don't suspect the Oreos did anything to make me feel bettter, I think it was the smiles from the new cast I met after lunch and got to show around and get to know, because I what I realize time and again, is that when you take your eyes off your own pain and hurt and self pitty and focus on something else, like making someone else feel welcome, it can turn your entire day around... 

I used to tell all of the new cast I used to meet that when you come to work you need to drop all of your troubles and worries outside the gate, and the great things is that when  you are at work, a member of custodial is going to come along and clean that mess up and when it is time to leave it won't be there for you to pick up again...

So lets all try and leave some of those bad habits out the door and hopefully the garbage man or custodial or the wind can carry them away...

Night night friends...


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