Every Bite, Every Morsel - Day 4 #JoinMyJourney

Whoever thought starting a new journey in the middle of a holiday feeding frenzy was a good idea clearly has some issues on their hands... Oh wait, that person is me...

But if you think about it, is there really ever a good time in anyones mind to start a new journey like this? I mean don't we all at some point come up with an excuse or don't we rationalize why it's ok to have that extra helping or to have the candy bar or 2 or 3... Why it's alright that we name our bed Gym and tell everyone that we are spending sometime there.  (Not that I have done that, I just know people that may have.)

Sonow is the time and we are taking baby steps... why baby steps you ask? Because every step they make forward and not fall is a celebration! Despite be scared of the unknown babies want to move forward... They want to get places on their own and isn't that really what we all want?

I have some pretty big things coming my way next year... I have family coming to visit me in the spring, I have a nephew getting married that I have to go home for in September and in November I turn 10 years old with my job and I get to go to my first service celebration... So for all of these things I would like to be able to sport new smaller clothes... In fact I would like each outfit to be a size smaller than the next... And if I don't start now with my baby steps, I will still be wearing what I am now or maybe even bigger...

Sometimes the hardest person to face isn't your doctor, because guess what? If you have gained weight, he or she is going to tell you, and they won't be nice about it, believe me... No the hardest person to face isn't even family... It's yourself... Because in the end, the only person you truly have to make happy and have to face is little old you...

let's do this...


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