Day 206 of 365

So I had an interesting thing happen as I was boarding the plane tonight... As I was half way down the gang way the gentleman checking tickets called me back and asked if I had ever been on their airline before and if I am able to sit with both armrests down. The old me would have been insulted and hurt by this remark but I simply turned back with a smile and said, "I understand, and yes I have no issues." Then I went merrily on my way to find a seat. 

My trip home has officially come to an end and I have gone through many emotions while here; happy, confused, bewildered, crazed, sad, delirious, pained, hunger hurt, ecstatic and content.  I saw many people that I didn’t know if I would ever see again and honestly some I kind of hoped I wouldn’t. ;-)

My brother and Sister-in-law were very gracious hosts and I appreciate all they did for me and for allowing me to stay with them for the extended weekend. I am so glad I was able to spend time with several of my nieces and nephews and get reconnected with them. It’s really hard even with modern technology to keep up with all that they do and it was really special to get a little one on one time with a few of them. 

I have plans already to return sometime next year and I am not going to focus on all the different foods I need to eat while I am there, but on all the different people I need to spend time with. 

Peace, love and it's good to be home


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