Day 95 of 365

I ran into several friends today that stopped me to tell me they read this blog everyday. Thank you for your kind words and this really is a labor of love. It takes a lot to come up with something to write about everyday, but I made this commitment to myself to finally really finish what I have started. It's also therapy for me; I have many people tell me they think I am brave letting people know my inner most thoughts and hurts and happiness's, but I think it's a little insanity actually. If you truly know me you will agree wholeheartedly. ;-)

I just heard the best quote of the day, Randy Jackson told one of the contestants to, "stop thinking it and start living it," and I think that goes towards a lot of things in our lives. I think so very often and I know for me this has been true as well, I over think things and spend so much time thinking about it that I never actually find myself ever completing what I started or even starting it.

So epiphany for me...I need to stop thinking about how I am going to lose weight and start living a life of doing the work that needs to be done to do it. Just like this blog has helped me pursue my love of writing it has also encouraged me to stand up for myself and be who I was meant to be. So, now I am going to start living the life of a woman trying to be healthier. And maybe along the way someone else will find their way out of thinking and into a life of living.

love, peace and living...


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