Day 108 of 365

I gotta a text from an old friend today...I got a little choked up, she told me she is coming to visit this weekend. We haven't seen each other face to face in nearly 12 years. This is a person I was close with years and as we got older we kind of went our separate ways. We lost touch for many years only to be reunited via Myspace ( I don't think anyone even uses it anymore).  Like many friendships we have been through our ups and downs but I believe this visit will be opportunity for healing and new beginnings for us. A chance to reminisce about old times and hear all about the new things in our lives.

Sometimes God allows different people to go in and out of our lives, so we can grow...

Some go for the good of our lives and some come back to make a good life better....

Love, peace and reunions


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