Day 103 of 365

I had such an incredible evening. I had the honor of hosting a Weight Watchers "Me Moments" Party at my home and so invited some of my friends over and we laughed and talked and ate and laughed some more. If reminded me that Me moments are really important but what the most important thing is is to share time with people you love. I can honestly say I love each and every person that was present at my home tonight and I feel incredibly blessed to call them friends and family.

These are the ladies and gentleman that have been by my side through all of the craziness of recent months and for some years of my life. I thank God He has put me where I am.

We go through our lives meeting and making new friends along the way. Some are here are a time and then drift away into our memories and some are here to stay. I want to believe these are my friends that are here to stay.

To my "Me Moment" pals, thanks for an amazing fun night. Can't wait for our next "We Moment."

Love, peace and more ice cream please!


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