Day 213 of 365

You can't fix stupid.... ;) I have spent so much of my life being a people pleaser. I am the one that settles arguments even when I may not be the one that started it, I agree to do things for people or I go with what they want to do; as not to upset anyone, I have done things in my life to make others feel more comfortable and accepted even when it has gone against everything I believed. It's crazy to think that I have wasted so much emotion and energy trying to make everyone else happy and not worry about my own happiness. When the end comes and I have to give a report for my life I don't want to say I wish I would have lived more for what I believed, rather than what others believed for me. Do I regret things I have done in my life? I try not to because those things that happened made me who I am now. Love, peace and finding peace in myself Musicsongbird Some people try to listen to the bottom of a bottle Some people try to listen to a needle in their arm ...