Day 683...Year 2

I am thankful that I have a boss that allows me the time to talk when needed and is a great encourager and supporter...

I did something crazy tonight that I never thought I would do... I volunteered to be on a committee with our Home Owners Association... I have been going to the meeting with Mom for over a year and they are usually a lot of complaining about what isn't going right in the park and that there aren't enough members and so on and so forth... Well tonight when they asked for a committee to help with ballot counting for the upcoming board election I volunteered... I guess I have just gotten to the point where I realized that the only way things are going to change where we live is if I am a part of that change...

I would have to say the average age of our HOA board is 65... The same goes for the membership that come to the meetings... The problem is that the people that are moving into the Park are younger and may not relate to the older members coming and asking them to join HOA... I know they all mean well but I think their approach is way off and hopefully with my taking this step I can help move them in the right direction...

When i first started to write tonight, I was going to say how I have this weird feeling inside right now, but I think what I am feeling is confidence in myself and realizing that my words hold value... Sometime I don't always feel that way but they do... And if I can stand up and do this, I may be able to do other things that I have lacked the self confidence to do...

Most people that know me would be like, No self confidence?? Really?? But most of my outward displays are just displays... When I act crazy it's usually a character or personality...  I'm not talking Sybil crazy personality but just that part of me I turn into when I am nervous or scared... The overly confident part of me...



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