Day 672...Year 2

The countdown to Christmas has officially begun... Hallmark Channel is showing there fantastic Christmas movies all day and night and new Christmas Movies every weekend through Christmas... Some may think they are mushy and predictable but I think I like the fact that there isn't all the sex and bad language; it's just good old happy endings... 

This holiday season I want to really celebrate... Celebrate the time with Friends and Family and give from the heart...

My Holiday Bucket List:
Write and mail a letter to Santa...
Have an Advent Calendar (preferably from Germany)
Go and have my picture taken with Santa Claus
String Popcorn (I've never done it)
Go see the Christmas Lights at Fort Wilderness
See the Candle Light Procession
See it Snoap in Celebration
See the Castle Lighting (haven't seen it in a few years)
See the Osbourne Family Christmas Lights
Make handmade Christmas cards
Not skip over Thanksgiving decorating (Yes, there is a holiday between Halloween and Christmas)
Be thankful...

This is just a small list but there is so much to do and see and I want to make the most of it... So very often things get in the way of enjoying this time of year with our family and friends and I don't want that to happen anymore...


For yesterday and Today:
I am so very Thankful for my Mom, my Brothers, BFF, my Sisters-in-love, my nieces and nephews, my borrowed family, all of my extended family and my amazing friends...


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