Celebrate...Day 3

So very often I come to the end of the day and it's off to bed without a single thought, but tonight my brain won't shut off... Plus despite a great day at work there is something in the background of my mind something I can't quite understand what is making me feel a bit down... 

I am sure it is the things that go unspoken in my bog, the things I am not ready to discuss, to reveal... Perhaps it's a bit of anxiety or maybe my mind is just trying to deal with past situations...

I know I have written about my depression before but despite being someone who does well with sharing her thoughts and words, honestly sometimes the words won't come... They are trapped, sort of like the covers of a book holding in the story before a paged is turned...

But I will celebrate my ability to share my thoughts and insights... My ability to share something I love; writing...

What will you celebrate today?


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