Celebrate... day 2

What an incredible day! Even though nothing extraordinary happened in my life per say, I'm just happy that I woke up this morning and was able to get up out of bed, even though I wanted to sleep a bit longer, and get myself moving to go to work.

I believe this will be my year to celebrate... To purposefully find something in everyday that is worth celebrating. With all of the crap going on in the world, my life is too short to focus on the sadness and anger that too many are falling into. 

Are you alive? Do you have a pulse? Then Celebrate! Even in the midst of sadness, find a reason to celebrate... I know it sounds crazy but people do other things much crazier in order to find a little "happiness" in their lives... plus my celebrations don't have to cost anything... well unless ours celebrating National Popcorn Day, which happens to be this Friday and really, how can you go wrong with popcorn...



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