
So no one said it was going to be easy but I am making little changes that are making a big impact on my day to day life... 90 days ago I re-downloaded the Myfitnesspal app and have been logging my food and exercise everyday and I am honestly seeing a difference in what I eat and how I feel...

No one said this journey would be easy or quick but day by day I notice new things and feel a little better... I think my Mom said it best this weekend when she said that she never thought she would enjoy eating healthy foods... and I totally agree... I still have people ask if I am dieting and I have to tell them how much I dislike that word, DIET...

When you Diet it is so temporary... It makes me think of fads that come and go, usually not under a doctor's supervision and usually involving cutting out something like carbs or everything white or all sugars or everything with green stripes or some odd reasoning behind it... I prefer to look at what I am doing as a lifestyle overhaul... You see, cause with all of the changes I am making I have no intention of ever going back to the sizes I am leaving behind... I have done the fad diets, the no carbs and the no sugar and the cut the gluten or the smoothies for a week etc..etc... and they work for awhile but you know what happened in the end... Well if you have ever seen me then you can probably guess...

I haven't always carried around an extra person, but the older I got the heavier I got... I did this, no one else... I love food and it has been a great companion... I used it as a comforter and protector, as something to cheer myself up and as a reward... I have decided for myself that I will no longer let food have that kind of control over me... I need to remember what food is for and not give it any more status than what it actually is... Food is here for us as nutrition to fuel our body... yes it's fun to use it to celebrate every once in a while but when did we decide it was something to use as a reward, especially is we are losing weight? That shouldn't even be in our mind set... Congratulations you just lost 20 pounds here is a 500 calorie piece of cheesecake???

Stop!!! Rewind... It's time to start reminding ourselves that we aren't animals and we shouldn't reward ourselves with food like we do our pets or they do the animals at the zoo... If you have lost 20 pounds maybe your shirt is baggy, reward yourself with a new one and donate your old one to a charity! And then share your experience with others so than maybe someone else can feel as good as you do when they reach a goal they set for them self!

You are worth more than a 500 calorie piece of cheesecake...


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