
I forgot what it' felt like to eat healthy... When I lived alone I ate a certain way because I didn't have a lot of money and so I spent my money wisely but on healthier choices and I found myself losing weight and now all of these years later I am consciously tracking the food I am putting in my body and I find that the longer I track it, the more I feel my cravings changing... Does this mean I don't want a piece of cake or a cookie now, absolutely not, it just means I don't find myself wanting to mindlessly sit down and pout away a bag of chips or candy or cookies... I feel like I am OK with just a little something...

If you don't allow yourself a variety of foods then you will end up sabotaging yourself in the end... I think the less extra sweets I have, other than fruits which are naturally sweet, the less processed sweets I crave... Before I couldn't drive past Krispy Kreme or Baskin Robbins without wanting to pull in... Now I'm OK with a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios after dinner for something sweet if I need a little something on the sweet side...

I am trying to get at least 5000 steps per day but some days are better than others... It's hard when you work in an office and don't always get away from it during the day but I am hoping that once I get the food under control, then the exercise routine will soon follow... I know that every pound I loose helps make that much more of a difference to the arthritis in my knees...

This past weekend we had storms roll through and one of my cats was unaccounted for, so being a good cat mom I went looking for her and the first place I went to look was under the beds... Well a few years ago that was a whole lot easier to do... Now getting down is a lot easier than getting back up... Ever since I injured both of my knees, about a year a part from each other, arthritis has reared it's ugly head and kneeling or squatting is out of the question without me be in horrible pain... So I have to quickly get onto my tummy and then when I need to get up I have to think about how I can get up just as quickly with the least amount of pain... I hope and pray that one day, I will lose enough pain that I can get on the floor and get up again and not want to scream at the top of my lungs...

Mom always says it sucks to get old... Well it really sucks even more when you are fat and you get old... because you are cutting your time shorter and your quality of life as well, so this is my time to do what is best for me...



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