Day 2...

Today was another great day of letting others take care of me and it's getting a little easier but I'm not going to lie, it is still very hard... But I know down deep I need to let this happen because in the long run it will make me more aware of others and how I can help them out in return... 

Today was the second day in a row that when I got home, the leg brace came off and the ice packs went on... I think I am pushing myself too much... Happily my Dr. appointment is first thing tomorrow so I know we will have a plan as to how my healing will take place. If it's surgery then the sooner the better... I just want to be well again... I want to be able to get out and walk again... I have all of these new great cast members and I can't even go to the locations to visit because I am on desk duty...

But I have to remember that everything happens for a reason... 

I have to keep telling myself that and sit back and wait for the reason to come...

I'm back,,,


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