Every Bite, Every Morsel - Day 16 #JoinMyJourney

So we are officially 10 days in on the Gluten-free life and it hasn't really been that bad to be perfectly honest... I have friends that have been living GF for some time and I get mixed feelings from them on it... Some say it is super difficult and others say it isn't that bad... Well, if you just make the deicision to keep a positive poutlook on it and just know that no matter where you go to eat, you will more than likely be able to find something you can consume, you are ok... Now, I am only speaking for those of us that are going to GF for a chance to see if this is a means to a better life... Meaning, I am going to feel better over all... I am not speaking for those that are allergic or suffer from celiac disease... I am also NOT a doctor or a nutritionist... I am only speaking from my own personal experience...

My Mom and I have really just been tracking how we have been feeling physically and emotionally because like I have said before, both are closely tied... I have personally been on an emotional roller coaster this week but I don't think that has anything to do with the food and everything to do with stress... With that aside, I haven't been as tired as I normally am, I don't feel like a nap is as neccessary and I have in the past... In fact, Mom and I have been running around all day today shopping, hunting down didn't gluten-free products among other things and usually by the time we roll into the neighborhood we are both ready for a marathon snooze... Not today, we went outside and Mom watered her plants, I carried out some extra jugs for her, and now I am getting ready to make dinner and afterwards, I am taming myself out on a Date!

Doing a little something just for me!  Like I have said before... I don't know if it's the more concetrated attack on paying attention to our eating or the omission of gluten and a few other items, but I am already feeling Stronger!!! I haven't noticed a physical change yet, but I fully expect it...

Sometimes all you can do is take a giant leap of faith and know that you will land on solid ground...


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