Every Bite, Every Morsel - Day 14 #JoinMyJourney

So we are 4 days into a new month and a new eating plan in our household... My mom has been living with fibromyalgia for sometime and I have shown many of the symptoms so we have decided to start following the recommendations that many medical professionals are making for those that live with this condition...

So the items we are going to do away with for now and see how our symptoms improve are Gluten, Night Shade plants and added sugars... We know many people eliminate caffeine and dairy but we don't eat a huge amount of dairy since we switched to almond milk years ago and we usually only have one cup of coffee a day at the most or iced tea if we have any.... I already stay away from artificial sweetners because they are the one of migraine triggers... It's pure sugar, agave or honey for me...

So the reason I bring up the artificial sweetner is this... I know so many people who are headache or migraine sufferers and they don't know why... You really need to pay attention to what happen prior to the onset... What did you eat, where were you at and who were you around? I have had them triggered by a change in the weather, in altitude when traveling from St. Louis to Wisconsin and there was a huge barometric weather change... Am I having a hormonal chage? But the biggest one lately was from food choice...

When you know you have certain things you shouldn't be eating, like artifical sweetner, you have to realize it comes with different names... You have to be wise and do your home work... For so long I was always looking for phenylenaline... But now they have gotten a little sneakier and this is where I got tripped up... I thought I was doing really well when I started eating Greek Yogurt because of the good bacterias and what not and then I thought, well this brand is only 80 calories, so this must be REALLY good... The headaches didn't start right away but after a week or two of eating this "Light" Yogurt I was feeling groggy at my desk mid morning and I started getting frequent headaches... Then almost a month ago I woke up one morning with the worst migraine I had had in years, and what is truly scarey is that I am on prescription medication to prevent these from happening...

It took me almost a month and many more headaches to finally look at the label on one of the yogurts to realize that a few words into the ingredients, it said Sucralose... This is an artifial sweetner that is not able to be digested by the body and that makes it noncaloric and that is why many companies use it to make many items "Light"... So now I am being an even more avid label reader...

If you hvae never had to worry about what you put in your body, count yourself blessed... If you do as I do then know my heart is with you... Also know we are in this together, one bite at a time!



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