Day 3...

Christmas is my most favorite time of year...

It's the retelling of our saviors birth, the gift giving and the special times we spend with our loved ones... It's a time of blessings and love...

Last night I spent an amazing evening with my Core Team Family...

Our Core Family Matriarch recently had emergency surgery and so we had to postpone our original party night... On Thanksgiving Eve she was not feeling well and by early Friday morning she was feeling so terrible that her husband had to take her to the ER, where they discovered her appendix had ruptured... She immediately prepped for surgery and taken in... After her surgery she asked her husband to please call the training trailer to let the Core Team know that she would not be able to join us for the Party... That totally touched my heart and the hearts of the rest of our team, that she thought of us in the middle of all of her own problems...

We immediately decided to postpone the party because we really wanted her to be a part of our festivities because she had retired from Disney at the end of October and we were missing her something awful... We all sent many thoughts and prayers her way for a speedy recovery and once she was out of the hospital and feeling better she graciously opened her beautiful home to us so we could all be together before Christmas....

We laughed, we toured her beautiful home, we shared a delicious assortment of goodies and we laughed some more and lots of hugs all around...

I am so blessed to be a part of this wonderful group of friends and am blessed to call them my Core Family... It makes me smile to see how much we care for one another and I look forward to the many Christmas Core Family Dinners to come...

Merry Christmas... Musicsongbird


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