Day 1...

I have been thinking a lot about this time of year lately... How it is not only about the celebration of the Birth of Jesus but how it's the end of one year and the beginning of the next... I know there are a little over 2 weeks still remaining but so much has happened over the course or this past year...

I started off this new year with a trip to the emergency room... Since then I have had 3 EKG's, 2 CT scans, a sleep apnea test, multiple x-rays of my knee as well as an MRI, and a chest x-ray just to round out the year...

My borrowed family grew by one nephew and he is adorable... I love him so much....

One of my oldest and dearest sister friends came to visit and along with Mom and BFF we journeyed to Jupiter to meet up with my oldest brother, sis-in-law, niece and great niece for a day...

I had a record summer of receiving new Disney babies in my areas and can't wait to meet my new ones this next year...

My middle brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew came to visit for Moms birthday week and we had many exciting adventures during their stay... My oldest brother and sister-in-law returned for Thanksgiving and despite sickness I really loved having them here...

I had a car accident and my guardian angel protected me and made sure my car was sent to the right place where they were able to save it from being totaled.... I feel like I have a brand new car again!!!

As I sat and listened to the Candlelight Procession this evening I pondered so many of these things and I realized despite the craziness and the pain I may have gone through this has been another exciting chapter in my life and it made me appreciate everything a little bit more...

When we are young we wish to be older and for time to hurry up and so we didn't always appreciate the time we had... Now that I am older, there are many moments where I wish time would slow down so we can enjoy more things...

I know I can't slow down time... but what I can do is appreciate the time I have and make more of it than I do... Life is for living and serving and laughing and crying and adventure and worship and dancing and relaxing and enjoying the world and the people around you....

Strive to learn and learn to dream...


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