Day 2...

What an incredible day...

Our Training Team joined the challenge to help collect toys for the US Marine's Toys for Tots Campaign that Disney is a part of each year... Two years ago our team collected a mere 24 toys, last year we collected 50, so I figured being the champion for our team, we could strive for a goal of 75... That would average about 2 to 3 toys per person in our office...

So I began sending out messages to our team encouraging everyone to donate a new unwrapped toy... To mark our progress I got creative and took something we all enjoy watching and our toy sponsors for this year... I took the cliff hanger from The Price is Right and replaced his face with the face of our one Ops training Manager and then took Elsa from Frozen and replaced her face with our other F&B/Merch training manager.... As we collected toys the cliff hanger would make his way up the hill to reach our 75 toy goal...

Not long after we started collecting toys our Ops Manager said that he would dress up as the cliff hanger if we reach our goal... Not to be outdone, our F&B/Merch manager said that if we reached 100 toys she would dress as Elsa... I then innocently asked, what would happen if we were to reach 150? Then our Ops manager laughed and said that he would then dress up like Princess Anna...

The bet was on and once it was announced the toys began pouring in... It was like someone added gas to a flame... People who may not have donated in the past were suddenly inspired to go above and beyond... By the end of the 3 week collection period we went into the final day short about 19 toys of the 150 goal... Slowly the toys came in and we were just 5 toys short when our Ops Manager came in with 5 toys... His donation put us up to our goal and pushed him to go looking for an Anna costume...

In the end, we collected 155 toys to go to children that might otherwise go without a Christmas... We also had our opportunity to meet with "Anna and Elsa" in our very own special meet and greet during our annual Christmas party... Our leaders we such good sports and it really showed what lengths they will go for us as a team...

Today also reminded me that you shouldn't always doubt others because sometimes they may surprise you...

I just know I need to keep being the cheerleader, the encourager, the shoulder to cry on or the person to laugh with, because when people are around happy people, it can help them to be happier... And with that the world becomes just a little bit better...



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