which way...

I feel like I am slipping again... Back into the things that I have moved forward from... Some of the past hurts and maybe it isn't that I have slipped back but rather I haven't really worked through them... It's incredible the insight you gain at midnight after watching a Lifetime Christmas Movie...

I know people aren't perfect but sometimes they don't think before they speak and it ends up hurting without intention... Of course depending on your frame of mind the hurt can just graze the surface, where it doesn't need more than a band-aid to make it feel better and then there are times where it can feel like you have a gaping wound...

Do you just act like it never happened and move forward or do you confront the person, which could possibly cause even more pain and hurt...

So you don't say anything and instead of letting it go you let it replay over and over in your mind and that little boo-boo covered with a band-aid gets infected because all you did was cover it and hoped it would go away...

Or you say something and instead of an apology the person turns it back on you and treats it like it's your fault you felt that way and you need to get over it, making that huge wound even larger and deeper, which can make it so much harder to heal...

Then of course there is always the chance that the person never intended to come across that way and they are genuinely sorry and they feel bad that they caused you to feel that way, and with that the wound begins to heal...

So which scenario do you follow...



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