What a relaxing evening. Don't you just love when you rediscover a hobby you love? I was asked to help create a very special gift for someone and was given a short time to do it, but I love a challenge and so I agreed to take it on. So tonight after I did laundry, watered the flowers here and at the neighbors, cooked and ate dinner, I sat down with brush and hand and began to paint. Even thought I know this is just the test before I do the real one, I wanted to make sure it would be something I would be proud to show. Don't you wish that is how everyone was? That they always gave their best? But I know we are all human and we have our short comings. Sometimes it's hard to do our best when it isn't our passion. Today I heard someone make a comment, "well, he didn't work as hard because he didn't like his area, but now that he is in an area he likes, he does a great job." I know I have failed in this way a lot lately and it is something I want to do ...