
Showing posts from January, 2018

Celebrate...Day 5

Today I celebrate my oldest brother... He is celebrating his 55th birthday! He is 10 years older than me, so growing up he was more out of the house than in the house... Meaning by the the time I was hitting double digits (10), he was already out of the house... I remember going to the High School when he was playing Football and the crowd chanting for him when he would kick off... Then I remember when he graduated and moved into his first place... I remember his water bed and Farrah Faucet poster... LOL He was so cool... Then I remember his T.A., it was bright red with T tops and a black bra... He was so cool that when I was Senior he let me drive it to a School Dance! I remember him when he was Weight Lifting in Competitions and winning trophys and just being in awe of him... I remember when he became a Father and then a Step Father and now a Pa! Even though life has happened for both over the years I know that he is there for me whenever I need him... Happy Birthday Big Br...

Celebrate...Day 4

It has been a whirlwind of a few days and despite another illness and more meds to get better, I am keeping a bright outlook each day... Last night I was handed some pretty sad news... A schoolmate of mine that I have known since Elementary School lost her battle with cancer... She was only  44 years young, still in the prime of her life and this horrible disease took her from this world... It's crazy because I haven't really spoken to her directly in years, probably since High School but when you have known someone for so many years it's hard to not be affected... I feel sorrow for her family, for all of her friends and for all of us who's lives were touched by her... Tonight I celebrate her life and the memories I have with her...

Celebrate...Day 3

So very often I come to the end of the day and it's off to bed without a single thought, but tonight my brain won't shut off... Plus despite a great day at work there is something in the background of my mind something I can't quite understand what is making me feel a bit down...  I am sure it is the things that go unspoken in my bog, the things I am not ready to discuss, to reveal... Perhaps it's a bit of anxiety or maybe my mind is just trying to deal with past situations... I know I have written about my depression before but despite being someone who does well with sharing her thoughts and words, honestly sometimes the words won't come... They are trapped, sort of like the covers of a book holding in the story before a paged is turned... But I will celebrate my ability to share my thoughts and insights... My ability to share something I love; writing... What will you celebrate today?

Celebrate... day 2

What an incredible day! Even though nothing extraordinary happened in my life per say, I'm just happy that I woke up this morning and was able to get up out of bed, even though I wanted to sleep a bit longer, and get myself moving to go to work. I believe this will be my year to celebrate... To purposefully find something in everyday that is worth celebrating. With all of the crap going on in the world, my life is too short to focus on the sadness and anger that too many are falling into.  Are you alive? Do you have a pulse? Then Celebrate! Even in the midst of sadness, find a reason to celebrate... I know it sounds crazy but people do other things much crazier in order to find a little "happiness" in their lives... plus my celebrations don't have to cost anything... well unless ours celebrating National Popcorn Day, which happens to be this Friday and really, how can you go wrong with popcorn... #celebrate2018

Celebrate...Day 1

I just saw that I have been writing this blog for over 6 years and it has been a lot of ups and a few downs but I hope that some of the things I have shared will help someone...  Being out of the blogging mode for some time I realized that mentally I feel so much better when I can release what is built up in side... But today I choose to Celebrate a new year and new choices and new experiences and I will go from here...