Remember to give thanks everyday...

It's that time of year again... Thanksgiving just past, a reminder that we are thankful for our family and friends... And now Christmas is just a few short weeks ahead of us and we are all frantically racing around trying to find the perfect gift for everyone on our list to make someone happy...  But in the end does it really make them happy? Or is it the fact that we took the time to find that gift for them what really makes them happy?

I'm sure for many people it's the fact that they have gained more, sadly. But I feel like the older I get the less I truly want. I guess I am getting to the point, if I really want something, I don't need to wait until Christmas to buy it... In fact, my Mom and I made an agreement that this year it would be no gifts... We would rather spend the money on things we need for the house or on fun things to do together to make memories... Like day trips or dinners out to new places...

The other thing I realize I don't do enough is give thanks for the small things each day... I'm not thankful for my family and friends just once a year, so I need to let them know more often... Just like we shouldn't wait until Valentine's day to let someone know we love them...

Maybe if we spent more time being thankful for the little things in life, the big things in life will be easier to handle because they won't seem so big anymore...

My goal this week is to try and be nicer to others and be more understanding... And to give thanks for the small things, not just the big things...

Thank you to all of you that continue to join me on my journey...


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