Surviving the Storm... Part 4

Today was supposed to be a great day from beginning to end but sadly it didn't begin that way... I woke up like any other except that today a new journey was beginning for me... My 2nd decade working at the Most Magical Place on Earth was going to begin and I knew there was going to be a "Surprise" Celebration for me... I was so exited that I took my shower and got ready and headed into work...

But when I got there the mood quickly changed... My co-worker immediately asked me if I had seen my friends Facebook post and when I had said no, I began to scroll and then all of the air went out of me... A young man that I had worked with since I started, had lost his life at the hands of another person yesterday... At first it didn't seem real... I went completely numb and then I looked at my co-worker / Friend and I just started crying... How can this happen to someone so young? To anyone at all? What would drive someone to did this to another human being?

The morning passed in a bit of a blur between bouts of tears and then calmness where I would chat about my upcoming "Surprise" Anniversary celebration that I knew nothing about... After lunch I was calm enough to speak to my leader and let him know why I was not my normal self and he even let me know that if needed to postpone my "Surprise" Celebration, everyone would understand... But I knew the best thing for me and the rest of us that knew this young man was to continue on...

Despite knowing about the party I was surprised and delighted when I walked in the room to see former team members and leaders there that came to support and celebrate along with me... It was also my pleasure that my Magical Twin was there and we celebrated her as well so it made it twice as special... After we received our plaques, cards and service pins; we took photos and ate cake... Then it was time to chat and this gave those of us that knew what had happened the day before a chance to talk about it and grieve together as a family who lost a brother...

I may struggle and stress over my job from time to time and consider what it would be like to leave and do something else, but it is times like today that remind me how important my Disney Family has been to me over the past 10 years and how important they will remain for the next 10...

Thank you for allowing me to continue making the magic each and every day...


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