Surviving the Storm - Part 2

Returning home after the family festivities was a bag of mixed emotions... The long week spent enjoying time with family, but constantly feeling a mixture of guilt and concern over what was happening in our home and around florida to our friends and neighbors since Irma had past... We already knew that we had been without electricity from Sunday until the following Friday... And we also knew that the roads leading to our home were flooded in both directions, thankfully the day prior to our arriving home, which was Monday, my best friend was finally able to drive through the slowly dropping water safely and get to our house, without having to wade through it and possibly have to defend himself from critters that may be lurking beneath... (I wish I was kidding)

When we got home we were greeted by little furry faces staring and meowing at the door, anxious to snuggle and tell us all about the scary moments while we were away... Upon opening the front door, I was smaked in the face with the smell of must and stale air... I immediately went and kicked the a/c down and turned on ceiling fans to get the air circulating again...

Once I said my hellos to the babies, I got the car unloaded and then I did a walk around the house so I could see for myself the state of where we were at... Just as reported, no major damage and I could rest at ease.  We still were looking at water in the street and it was precarious driving through it but on the up side there were county workers running a water pump trying to get the water to go down...

Readjustung to being home and having to get everything cleaned up and cleaned out has taken sometime... When I told my friends I felt guilty for now being here they laugh, but then they said understood... This was definitely a huge learning moment for mom and I because we rode out the last storm a year ago at home, which turned out to be nothing more than horrible winds, thankfully... But when there is a next time, we will be seaking shelter at a hotel, with the babies in tow, because you never know what could happen next time... Some homes in our neighborhood weren't as fortunate as we were... They lost their rooves, their car ports, etc... Not just their electricity and some food in the refridgerator...

It has been almost a month at this point and we still haven't fully refilled our fridge, but I think we are just being smarter with our money and what we buy for now... And not all of the debris is cleaned up around the neighborhood yet, all of these things take time... I don't even know if I am totally cleaned up inside from it yet, but I am trying...


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