Every Bite, Every Morsel - Day 25 #JoinMyJourney

It's been a long time since I have stopped and evaluated what is going on and put into words how things are... This summer has been so incredibly busy with emotional highs and lows and my weight has been as well...

Right now we are staring at the high end and sadly I am just three weeks from seeing family but this too shall pass...

Life at the most magical has been a roller coaster ride, changing from Front of House to all Heart of House and taking on different responsibilities of sorts... Helping prepare for the largest festival on property and still managing to stay somewhat sane through it all even though we aren't quite there yet...

I am learning with baby steps on how to handle stress better, and trying not to turn to food as often... But I need to remember that getting off my bum now and then is always a great way to destress, even when it's warm outside... There are air conditioned places I could go and just walk, like the mall... or Target, or Walmart... or I can wait until it starts to cool off and walk around the block...

I guess I just need to find my desire again, because right now, I just kind of have the case of the why bothers... I am feeling complacent and it isn't that I am intentionally over eatting or looking for snacks usually it's that honeslty... I don't really care...

NO, I am not looking for a buddy... I am not looking for someone to come along and inspire me... I just have lost my way for a bit and I will find my way back... It's kind of like when someone quits smoking and they haven't smoked in a few years and something happens and they snap and they just need it. Just for awhile... Then they do what they need to do to quit again...

I am just waiting to get to that point where I am ready to do what I need to do to quit being a lazy arse again... To take charge of what I am eating and get things together...

The other big thing that happened this summer is that we went from 2 cars,  to 1 brand new car... Mom decided that she no longer needed a car after both of our cars ended up at the mechanic within a week of each other... Mine was traded in for a new one and hers was donated... This was 100% her decision and I truly admire her for it...

I remember when I was younger and my Uncles had to make the decision to take the car from my Grandma and how hard it was on everyone... I never wanted to go through that with Mom and so we have always had open conversations about it and we decided that when the time came, it would be her decision... So yesterday we bid her 17 year old Ford Focus a fond farewell...  It was extremely bitter sweet but I know in my heart this was the best choice for us...

Our journey continues...


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