Every Bite, Every Morsel - Day 23 #JoinMyJourney
I have been having some internal turmoil over some things I have overheard recently and it just bothered me and I need to vent... I have been at my job for almost 10 years and it still frustrates me to know end when someone makes a comment that they are going to find a "REAL" job or a "GROWN UP" job... I'm sorry? Can someone please explain to me what constitutes either of these "JOBS"? Is the place I go to every day and clock in and earn a living at not really a JOB? Am I required to certain amount of money before it actually means I have a job? Because if that is the case the US government owes me a whole lot of money back in taxes I have paid out for my make believe job. Actually for all of my make believe jobs that I have worked since I was 16 years old.
I know just how the conversation would go:
Um, hi yes IRS person I would like all of my taxes I have paid to the US government back for the past 27 years minus the 2 years I worked that office job but I don't know if that was a real job either because I was just a secretary then...so if you could just find out for me what the definition of a "REAL JOB" is I will happily take whatever taxes back from the make believe jobs I have worked that don't require taxes to be paid on those...
Then after they stop laughing, hopefully they won't have me thrown in an insane asylum or arrested because I am trying to scam the government....
For those of you that have never had to work in customer service, retail, fast food, theme park, hotel and hosptitality or any other job that doesn't pay you a bonus for showing up every day while others work their butts off to make you look good, then consider yourself blessed... But guess what, what I do to earn a living is just as much of a real job as yours is... What would you do if you walked into Moe's and there was no one to yell, "Welcome to Moe's!" Or no one showed up at the gas station to make sure their was gas in the pumps? What if all of these people that work these "non REAL" jobs decided to stay home because they were told their jobs didn't matter?
Thankfully I know better, and I know that my job is a grown up job, I just get to do it in a very magical place, where growing old my be mandatory or growing up is optional... The people that feel as though they need to find what they call a "REAL" job are just feeling like they can't live on what they make or they are waisting their talents. But what they forget is when they make comments like that, it can hurt others around them...
You see, words matter... What you say can hurt so much... And once they are out there you can't take them back... Once they are said there is no erase button, there is no delete... I can delete this blog entry but if you have read it, you will probably remember something of it... I can't remove that from your memory...
It's like people saying I wish my life were different, I'm not who I used to be... None of us are; unless we are still living in the past... We move forward in life and we change, hopefully for the better... We move on to new things... We create new goals and dreams for ourselves... If we don't then we will constantly find ourselves staring in the rear view mirror of life watching what happened in the past... Wishing what could have been... While our life just passes us by...
Stop looking at whats behind you and look for what is infront of you and what is coming... If you don't think the future is bright enough, do something to change it... If you don't like your circumstances... change them...
If you don't like how people talk to you, then stand up for yourself or stay silent and expect the same treatment until you do...
I have my real, grown up job, and it's in a world of fantasy and make believe and I won't change it for anything...thanks IRS for clearing that up... ;)
I know just how the conversation would go:
Um, hi yes IRS person I would like all of my taxes I have paid to the US government back for the past 27 years minus the 2 years I worked that office job but I don't know if that was a real job either because I was just a secretary then...so if you could just find out for me what the definition of a "REAL JOB" is I will happily take whatever taxes back from the make believe jobs I have worked that don't require taxes to be paid on those...
Then after they stop laughing, hopefully they won't have me thrown in an insane asylum or arrested because I am trying to scam the government....
For those of you that have never had to work in customer service, retail, fast food, theme park, hotel and hosptitality or any other job that doesn't pay you a bonus for showing up every day while others work their butts off to make you look good, then consider yourself blessed... But guess what, what I do to earn a living is just as much of a real job as yours is... What would you do if you walked into Moe's and there was no one to yell, "Welcome to Moe's!" Or no one showed up at the gas station to make sure their was gas in the pumps? What if all of these people that work these "non REAL" jobs decided to stay home because they were told their jobs didn't matter?
Thankfully I know better, and I know that my job is a grown up job, I just get to do it in a very magical place, where growing old my be mandatory or growing up is optional... The people that feel as though they need to find what they call a "REAL" job are just feeling like they can't live on what they make or they are waisting their talents. But what they forget is when they make comments like that, it can hurt others around them...
You see, words matter... What you say can hurt so much... And once they are out there you can't take them back... Once they are said there is no erase button, there is no delete... I can delete this blog entry but if you have read it, you will probably remember something of it... I can't remove that from your memory...
It's like people saying I wish my life were different, I'm not who I used to be... None of us are; unless we are still living in the past... We move forward in life and we change, hopefully for the better... We move on to new things... We create new goals and dreams for ourselves... If we don't then we will constantly find ourselves staring in the rear view mirror of life watching what happened in the past... Wishing what could have been... While our life just passes us by...
Stop looking at whats behind you and look for what is infront of you and what is coming... If you don't think the future is bright enough, do something to change it... If you don't like your circumstances... change them...
If you don't like how people talk to you, then stand up for yourself or stay silent and expect the same treatment until you do...
I have my real, grown up job, and it's in a world of fantasy and make believe and I won't change it for anything...thanks IRS for clearing that up... ;)
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