Every Bite, Every Morsel - Day 22 #JoinMyJourney

If you have nver suffered from headaches or any aches and pains in general than count yourself blessed... For those that are plagued with body pain or migraines I feel for you... I too suffer from migraines, not on a regular basis like many friends and family members but on a semi regular basis... Mine are usually brought on by triggers such as food, environment such as too much smoke or other allergans and extreme stress like the one that took over my system yesterday...

What started out as what most would consider just a typical headache quickly excalated in one of the worst migraines I can remember in my entire life... Some may ask what have you been eating? What has the weather been like? But I will tell you that I know that this was 100% a stress powered migraine... I have been carrying around so much stress over the past month that this was sadly inevidilbe for me... I had no other outlet... well probably not true but at the end of every day I was so exhausted that there was no outlet to relieve the stress and it got to the point that my poor body had no other release...

The pain was so excrutiating that it was nearly impossible to even fall asleep... I thought it was going to drive me to the bathroom but nothing would break the pain... I was sweating so bad, I had never expreienced it this intense... I think I fell asleep from sheer exhaustian and awoke after 3 hours...

If you have never had a severe headache, I usually suffer from what I call headache hangover... I feel afraid to eat anything big, I generally stick to toast and water... Sadly this goes on for most of the following day... I just don't feel right...

So if you know someone who sufferes from pain or you are the one that suffers silently, I pray you have support from family or friends because it can be rough... Thankfully I have medication that I take to so I don't have more regular occurances of these horrible happenings... Now I just need to find away to make more time for stress relief for myself, so I don't have to face another day like that...



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