
So I am on an amazing, difficult, stressful, relaxing, relentless, exciting, dramatic, painful, drawn out, extreme, life changing journey of weight-loss right now... I have been using the My Fitness Pal app for 106 days and haven't missed a log in yet. I log all of my food and beverage intake and my exercise as well. Right now the exercise consists of walking to my locations at work instead of driving when I can and then walking on my weekends with my bestie.  I am working myself back to working out like I used to, it's little steps. This is a marathon not a 50 yard dash...

I am finding that I am craving fresh foods instead of fast... I am loving veggies and fruits especially the fresh blueberries you can pick right now at local farms... We are going for the 3rd weekend in a row this week... I am getting great satisfaction from picking my own food and seeing where it comes from... I am finding my passion for cooking again...

I hate to admit it Mom, but for awhile I was regretting coming home to cook dinner, but now with all of these fresh ingredients we have been using, I actually look forward to it! I like bringing my lunch to work, I am finding joy in preparing it and packing it in my bag... I also am really loving my yummy yogurt and cereal and fresh fruit every morning... I am just feeling better each day...

The best part, besides the weight loss, is going down steps and not being afraid my knees will give out... I am feeling a strength in them that I haven't felt in a few years... I am not feeling the joint pain I was once feeling... It's not perfect every day but it is so much better than it was...

I have realized so many things this time around that I will continue to share but for tonight I will add one thing... Having people cheer you on and share your journey with you, makes it that much easier to make it down the road... When you do things in secret, you don't get the true support you need to help you through the tough days and the plateaus when you need a buddy the most...

If anyone needs a buddy add me on My Fitness Pal - Musicsongbird

106 days / 20.6 pounds!

Never Give up!
Never Surrender!


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