
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift...

It's really funny... I used to sit in weight watchers meetings years ago dreaming of the time when I would reach my goal weight and when I would get the opportunity to share my knowledge and my encouragement with others on their weight-loss journey and become a WW leader... Well sadly I failed at Weight Watchers, OK maybe I didn't fail but I gave up on it... I think the point counting got to be to much for me and I got bored with it so like so many other "diet" programs over my life, I quit...

But I have never given up on that desire to help others on their journey... I guess that is why despite being severely overweight I am still so very passionate about the Healthy Pursuits program at work, because I feel like this finally something that is speaking to me and little by little it helping motivate me... But sadly i still have a few friends that are TOO over zealous and TOO pushy and trying to make me do more that I am personally prepared for and they don't listen to what I have to say and today I had to actually tell them to back off because let me make this clear Friends...

I know you want to help, but when you get PUSHY and DEMANDING about MY health, you make me want to retreat and hide... When I am READY for your help. I will ask... Until then, please let me do it in my time... What works for you may not work for me... In the end this is my battle and if I ask for recruits to help me fight this war be ready for a call, but until then please be patient with me, I am fragile, despite the fluffy exterior...

Now back to my journey toward leadership... So the funny thing about dreams is they can happen even before you reach certain goals... You see I am bigger than when I began WW and yet I have been appointed to help run a healthy living support group of sorts in our office to continue what we accomplished in our first Healthy Pursuits competition this year for work... It's a beginning and I am not always prefect but not even the WW leaders are either...

So stay tuned for updates on my journey and see where this road goes...



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