10 Months Post OP today...

304...Days since surgery...
95.3...Pounds Lost after Surgery...
146...Total Pounds lost Since January 2018...
73...Percent to goal set with Nutritionist...
too many to count...Things I've learned about myself along the way...

You would think since losing the weight of 662 Blueberry Muffins I would know it all or be perfect all of the time and never have issues, you would be wrong. Each day is another step in my journey. Some days are great, like when a random person tells you that you look sexy and all you can say back is thank you, even though you don't ever remember being called that in your entire life and then you start to wonder, why wasn't I sexy before? Am I only sexy because I have lost the weight? Because a year ago I hated the person looking back at me and I was ready to just give up because I was never going to lose the weight on my own. There are tons of beautiful sexy big gals out there but I was never in that category. Or am I now sexy because I like who I am becoming? Are they noticing me in a different way now because I carry myself with more pride in how I look and feel? Is that why? Is it really our attitude that makes us sexy or beautiful? Is it confidence?

I keep saying I still have a ways to go to get to goal weight, but by the numbers I am closer to the "finish line" than the starting gate... But the track just took an uphill turn... Being 10 months out my body is starting to adjust an the weight isn't coming off nearly as fast. This is when I really need to be smarter and wiser in my choices...

I used to hate having my photo taken and now I am torn on how I feel... I don't always know who the person is looking back at me... But then I don't always really remember what I looked like a little over a year ago since I didn't like mirrors either...

I need to remember not to nit pick myself and remember I am still changing everyday... the journey isn't over...


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