Truth bomb

So I'm going to say something that is probably going to stir up some discussion... But it's a major truth bomb...

Overweight people are discriminated against more than anyone else on earth and apparently it's ok...

As humans we are visual beings, we see size, shape and color, and anyone who says they don't look at people that way is not necessarily being honest... Just listening to people's conversations on a daily basis you know it's true... Stop and listen how people describe others and you will see...

Black, white, Asian, Arabic, Muslim, tall, short, muscular, scrawny, skinny, thin, curvaceous... We have all used some or all of these to describe the way a person looks...

But when it comes to people that are overweight they use terms like Fat, Husky, Plus size, Rotund, Obese and phrases like Fatty, fatso, elephant, beached whale and blubber butt just to name a few I have personally been called... And this isn't just children taunting when I was younger... Adults are even more cruel because they know better and sadly the media says it's ok... Comedians even do it... And so being the happy fat girl I am supposed to have thick skin and just let it roll off... Because according to others, I just don't try hard enough to lose weight... I eat too much and it's my own fault...

So I am sure many of you are saying people are discriminated for their color,  their sexual orientation,  their beliefs, etc... But the media says all of that is bad and wrong... Which it is, but overweight people very often aren't given an opportunity to speak up, they are seen and people automatically assume you are overweight for the above reasons... When some may be, many especially those that are labeled obese have a genetic disorder... They are predisposed to the fat gene...

Basically your body goes into fight or flight when you start losing weight... It starts slowing down your metabolism and storing fat because it thinks you are starving yourself even when you are eating right and exercising regularly...

I have been battling my body since I was in the 3rd grade... I was always athletic through school and after for awhile and I have always been fat...

We need to change the mindset that mocking people due to their size is NOT OK... And Using self deprecating humor only tears ourselves down...


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