Every Bite, Every Morsel - Day 17 #JoinMyJourney

So it has been over a month now and I have to say, going Gluten-free isn't the hardest thing in the world to do, but it also isn't the easiest... I think the hardest thing through all of this is giving up night shade veggies... Tonight was a very unsuccessful night for that... I ate tomatos and peppers and if I pay some sort of price for it, it was worth it... I hope...

The easy part of being gluten-free is the home side of it... It's easy to eliminate eatting it at home... The hard part is when you go out, or just leave home in general, unless you bring your own food with you... I totally feel for people that have a severe allergy...

The other hard part about going gluten-free is the police... Now I don't meant he kind that carry a badge and a gun and give out tickets...  I mean the well meaning friends and family that feel as though they need to watch everything that you put in your mouth as if you aren't already reading labels yourself... And believe me... I have had words with a few... As much as I appreciate it, I am so sorry to anyone I have policed in the past... It's NOT NICE!!! If I ask for your help it is one thing, but if I don't, then just STOP!!!

Keep in mind, I am going gluten-free to see if I truly feel better... I am trying to eliminate several things right not but my body is out of wack right now and I am not sure what is helping and what isn't. So until I am truly 100% clean of whatever items, I'm not going to really know how I am feeling... Plus, stress is a huge factor I need to learn to deal with better as well...

So, eliminating glute, night shades and limiting stress are things I am working on... So more updates are soming, and more blogs as well... Not to exciting tonight, but it's a start...

Be Happy!


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