
Life is filled with a series of struggles... Some are worth fighting for and others we should just lay aside and keep moving forward.... When you come up against a struggle whether it is one you are having with another person or one you are having inside yourself you need to stop and think a few things... 

Let's talk about the struggle with someone else, whether it be family, friend or co-worker or maybe a stranger you run into in your daily life... 

1st - Before you react, or soon after the initial reaction; was you reaction fair to the situation?
2nd - Is the situation you are struggling with really worth the turmoil?
3rd -  Is the trouble your having theirs or yours?
4th - Either try and resolve it with that person, or let it go and walk away. 
Finally - If you chose to let it go... DON'T PICK IT BACK UP!!!! You don't need that stress in your life. Clearly if it's the other persons drama and you resolved it in your own mind, let them worry about it. Clear your mind and move on...

Now, when the struggle is inside of you... The inner turmoil... We all face it, I face it everyday I look in the mirror... LOOK AT THE LIST ABOVE...

There really isn't much difference... Stop letting other people's struggles become yours, face your demons one battle at a time... Learn to listen to yourself and be a good listener to others...

If you ever notice people start to hide away when you come calling, maybe you need to think about why that is? Are you an over sharer? Do people come to you when they need a shoulder, No??? Maybe it's because you over share and they never get an opportunity to share at all... Or when they try to share, you interupt and make it all about yourself... 

What about the ones the ones that always listen and no one is ever there to listen to them? They always do for others and no one ever does for them? Thank you doesn't cost much... 

I guess thats all I have to say tonight... Thank you for reading...


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