
Certain times of the year bring on stronger emotions for me and this time makes no exceptions... With yesterday being Father's Day it stirs up a lot of emotions, not just for the fact that I lost my Dad to Cancer almost 18 years ago, but because I am so far away from my big brothers so I don't even have them around to celebrate with. So Mom and I make it a point of having a special celebratory dinner in honor of Dad each year and have things we believe he would have enjoyed. Each year the meal is different but the dessert is always the same, Baskin Robbins.

So this year we chose Burger King, because my Dad enjoyed their Whoppers. Following are uneventful dine in experience we headed down to BR to get a scoop of mine and Mom's favorite, Peanut Butter and Chocolate, topped with Dad's Favorite, Pralines and Creme. It always brings a smile to my face when we talk about old times with Dad and the fun we had. Sadly, sometimes I feel like those memories are fading for me, because maybe I don't talk about him enough, or I didn't have enough time with him.

The relationship with a Mother and Daughter is so special and so connected and I love my Mom so much, but the relationship with a Dad with his little girl is special to. He was my protector and the one that would drive out to Six Flags to pick me up after my late shifts were over before I could drive. He would call me Zelda and we would listen to AM talk radio together; he especially liked Rush Limbaugh. He would buy Mom yellow gas station roses and he would tear up when I would sing. He would tell me if I could put all of my school work to music I would have straight A's. Even though he didn't always say it out loud, he loved me so much. Besides Mom, he was my biggest fan and I miss him so much,

I know he would be so proud of me for picking up everything and moving to Florida to live out my dream of working for Disney. I also know he would hold my hand through the hard times, the stressful times, and cheer me through the amazing times.  He would be there to pick me up when I felt knocked down by others, help me brush myself off and help me hold my head up and carry on. I also know he would pray me through it all, right along side Mom.

Your Zelda misses you dad...


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