
Sometimes the thing we want is the thing we are most afraid of...

the answer to our questions...

so very often we ask God...
   - why did you allow this to happen?
   - why did this happen to me?
   - why did he die?
   - why did I live?
   - why am I alone?
   - why can't they love me?
   - why can't I be rich?
   - why can't I be thin, or beautiful?
   - why don't you ANSWER ME?? 

But we ask and we ask but we never stop and wait for the answer...

and sometimes God has to do something huge to get in our face, to get us to pay attention...

Some call it a slap in the face, a kick in the butt, hitting rock bottom... I call it an answer to a prayer...

Don't ask for something if you aren't prepared for the answer... because sometimes that answer is not right now and sometimes it is no... But if you stop and listen, you will get one...


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